The Best Places to Meet a Leo Man If He’s Your Perfect Zodiac Match

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
If Leo is your perfect Zodiac match, you’re in luck! These handsome and confident men are a real catch, and they are the most loyal you can find! Where, oh, where can you find a Leo man?  

If Leo is your perfect Zodiac match, you’re in luck! These handsome and confident men are a real catch, and they are the most loyal you can find! In fact, they’re such a good catch that they may be few and far between, being snapped up quickly. Where, oh, where can you find a Leo man?  

Jason Momoa (Aquaman, for those not in the know) has been informally dubbed sexiest man in the world. His smoldering good looks, coupled with his loyalty to his wife and family, has plenty of us weak at the knees. 

And of course, he is a Leo. The King of the Jungle, and a lion amongst men. Leo men are naturally charismatic and have oodles of sex appeal. There are very few women who can resist their allure and warmth!

So, if you are one of the lucky ladies to have the Leo man as your natural Zodiac match, you can count your lucky stars! And, if you can track one of these guys down, you’ll have your future looking rosy! 

However, these men are very often married or committed already. Leo is the sign of romance, as well as family. If you look at the Lion in the wild, you can see this with their many lionesses and progeny flocking around them while they relax. 

In my experience as a relationship astrologer, it’s not easy to find a single Leo man. So, we need all the help we can get, right? Astrology can be a great helping hand when it comes to figuring out where his favorite places are to hang out! 

Here are my top seven recommendations to meet your Leo soulmate: 

7 Best Places To Meet a Leo Man

1. At a Work Function

Leo men like to the be the leaders of the pack. Very often, you’ll find the Leo man is your boss, team leader, or manager. And most of the time, he inspires everyone around him to follow him wherever he leads! 

The next time you’re at a work function or out for post-work drinks, try to (discreetly) find out when the birthdays of the presenters and managers are. Then, go out of your way to dress up, stand out and show your confident and empowered side! He won’t be able to resist. 

2. At a Party

Leo Man At The Party

Leos love a good party!  Especially if it’s their birthday. The next time you’re invited to a birthday get-together, see if the date is between July 21 and August 21. This is your Leo guy, and he’ll be the one in the spotlight, lapping up all the attention! 

Leo men also love to dance and perform. He could be the one jumping up on the tables and grabbing the mic from the band, singing his own rendition of Happy Birthday (to me)! He’s loud and proud, and he’s not afraid to shine! He’ll definitely make you laugh, and maybe even intimidate you a little.

Of course, you could even just bump into him at a club, festival, or a mutual friend’s party. Dress your best! 

3. On the Beach

Leo Man On The Beach

Leo is a fire sign, so, like most fire signs, they just love the sunshine! Leo is also ruled by the Sun, making them passionate about the beach. Plus, they get to strut their sexy stuff and get noticed—and they can’t resist the attention.

Of course, it’s not easy to know if the guy at the beach is a Leo or not, so keep an eye out for the one parading around, checking to see if anyone is looking at him. He’s also often the loudest, most playful and boisterous guy around. 

Sidle up to him and start a conversation—or if you’re feeling brave, ask if he can put some sunscreen on your back. You go, girl! 

4. At the Theater

There’s no doubt about it—the theater is the perfect place to find a Leo guy! If he’s not the one on the stage, then he’s the one in front-row seats. This man lives for performance and loves the glitz and glam of the silver screen, as well as Broadway! 

There’s no one who entertains or enjoys entertainment like this man. And he’ll be the one speaking the loudest about what he thinks after the show, hoping, perhaps, that he’ll get “discovered”—maybe by you! You can even extend this to fashion shows, as this is one man who likes to look good! 

5. At A Family Gathering

Leos love their families! And in general, they just love family as a concept. The adore the little kiddies, the aunties, uncles, and all the distant and close relatives. It makes them feel like they belong. They have an incredible amount of love and warmth when it comes to family. 

The next time your friend is having a family get together, invite yourself along. Spend Thanksgiving, Christmas, or another special holiday with a family aside from your own. You never know, there may be a delicious single brother looking for love! 

6. On TinderMeeting A Leo Man On Tinder

Leo man are the kings of dating apps. They’re the ones with amazing selfies—almost as if they are models (which they often are). They’ll be the ones who have close-ups of their face and showcase their typically amazing hair. 

They’ll also be the ones who are confident, open, and dramatic. They’ll have family, career and romance as priorities in their bios. And, they’ll usually say they’re looking for fun—even though they’re actually looking for commitment. 

They may have a few kids, but they’ll be amazing dads. They’ll often be actors, artists, or managers in their fields. 

What are you waiting for? Get swiping! 

7. At the Hairdresser

Here’s the thing—Leo men are very proud of their hair. They often have extremely luscious locks, or sometimes, they can also be completely shaved. Whatever it is, they’ll have a lot of focus on making sure that their “lids” are in order! 

When you’re at the hairdresser next time, look for the guy giving instructions to the hairdresser about what they precisely want. They can be quite fussy or even insecure about their hair

Strike up a conversation with him about his favorite products, and discreetly inquire when his birthday is. You never know! 

Read next: Seducing a Leo Man Can Be Pretty Hefty – Apply the Following Rules


So, ladies, if you’re looking for a Leo man to bring sweet romance into your life, try out some of these places. Remember they’re always the ones loud and proud. They exude warmth and confidence, and they seem like they don’t need any validation at all. 

But here’s a special secret: Leo men need to know how wonderful and charming they are. If you suspect that you have a Leo man in your vicinity, flatter him and watch what happens. He’ll puff up like a pleased peacock! 

If you have any tips for meeting a Leo man, please go ahead and share them in the comments below. You’ll be totally anonymous! 

Sending you love,

Your friend and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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