7 Things to Talk About on a Date With a Leo Man

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Scared of the dreaded awkward silence on your first date with a Leo man? Or perhaps it’s already a few dates in and you're running out of topics to talk about.

Scared of the dreaded awkward silence on your first date? Or perhaps it’s already a few dates in and you’re running out of topics to talk about. This is where astrology can be your best friend. Check out my 7 best subjects to chat about with your sexy but sometimes-intimidating Leo fella!

Want to impress your Leo man? Of course you do! He’s a real catch. 

He’s warm, proud, expressive and even a bit dramatic — and he prefers to be the one doing the talking a lot of the time. 

However, prompting always helps, and there’s nothing that a Leo man loves more than talking about himself and being asked questions. It makes him feel flattered, seen, and heard, and it boosts his ego like nothing else! 

In fact, asking the right questions and finding the right topics may be the very thing that helps him to fall in love with you.

Of course, you may also want to fill up the awkward silences that can sometimes ruin a great date. 

Every sign has things that they like to talk about, and the Leo man is no different. Here are some of his favorite topics, in my experience as a relationship astrologer, that you can bring out to get the conversation flowing!

7 Things to Talk About on a Date With a Leo Man

1. Himself

The truth is, ladies, Leo men are vain. They can be very self-involved, yet their confidence, warmth, and expressiveness are all qualities that you want to see more of. 

He inspires you through his life stories and experience, and he has plenty of them.

If you don’t know what to say the next time you’re on a date, simply talk about him. His day, his work, his feelings, his plans. Ask him about his past, present, and future. Ask him what his favorite anything is (TV shows, books, color, food) and just let him take the lead

The chances are very good that you won’t need too much prompting to get him on a roll, and with his dramatic flair for communication and his booming voice, you should be endlessly entertained! 

2. His Family – Especially If He Has Kids

Dating in these times often means that the guy you are seeing might have children from a previous relationship.

Leo is the family sign — they typically love children (and can be childlike themselves). The typical Leo man will have children in his life that he absolutely adores, whether they’re his own kids, his nieces and nephews, or the children of his good friends.

Failing that, you can also ask him about his own childhood, what it was like, and what he loved best. 

You could even fish to find out if he wants kids. This is one sign that isn’t usually shy to discuss how he feels about having children.

3. His Hobbies

Dating A Leo Man Things to talk about on a date

Leo men often have quite a few hobbies that they are passionate about. 

Whether it’s sports, acting, painting, writing, or singing, your guy is bound to have quite a few talents that you’ll be surprised to learn about! 

Finding out what he loves to get up to in his spare item will make him feel inspired, and he’ll sweep you along in that tide of enthusiasm that Leo is so well-known for. Who knows, maybe you even share a hobby or two to bond over!

4. What He Likes to Do for an Escape

Aside from his talents, what does he like to do to relax and have fun? 

Leo is a sign that loves a good time, and they’re often the ones found on a dancefloor or chatting late into the night after a great time out! He probably likes to shake his tailfeather, but he may also love relaxing hikes or jigsaw puzzles.

Once he gets talking about fun, he’s instantly in a good mood, and you’ll see him practically lighting up the room. 

He’ll be making plans with you in no time for fun times together, so this is totally a win-win topic for a date.

5. His Career

Most Leo man love their careers almost as much as they love their families.

They often are found at the very top of the career ladder as managers, CEOs, or other authority or leadership positions. 

If he’s not managing, he’s likely a creative of some kind. In all areas of life, the Leo man must express who he really is

Talk to him about his work — both the work he does and the work he would choose if he could do something different. What were his childhood dreams? Try to find out! 

6. Love and Romance

7 Things To Talk About on a Date with a Leo Man - His hobbies

You can get a little mushy with the Leo man

This is the sign of love, romance, and the “honeymoon period” that comes with the start of a relationship. He’s a romantic type, so go ahead and ask him what he’s looking for in a relationship, if he wants marriage, or just what his favorite kinds of dates are. 

You can also ask about his past — if you’re comfortable hearing it. Leo men are open books, and they love to share about themselves in any way.

Read next: 4 Ways to Get a Leo Man to Open Up to You

7. Your Own Family

Eager to talk about yourself for a bit? You can always share your own experiences with family. If you have kids, he will just love to hear all about them! 

Talk about your relationship with your mom and dad or who your favorite grandparent was and why. Really allow yourself to open up to him, and watch how well he responds. After all, he cares about family himself, which is why he’s seldom single for long! 

So now you know some of the best things to talk about when on a date with your Leo guy. Keep it light, fun, and optimistic — this is not the type of guy to enjoy a bleak conversation or one that focuses on the negative side of life early in the relationship.

Do you have any great subjects that you would recommend chatting about with a Leo man on a date? Share your story in the comments and help other women who may benefit from your story! I also love hearing from you — and you will stay totally anonymous! 

Sending you love,

Your friend and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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