Happy New Year sweetheart, and a warm hello to a Leo man horoscope for January. It is time to welcome in 2025 and gaze into the heavens and contemplate what the planets have in store for us.
Now as you would know if you purchased my yearly guide for your Leo man, which I highly recommend, is that 2025 as an exceptional year because every one of the planets is changing side, in some cases multiple times.
Now it’s not all that unusual for the planets from the Sun to Mars to change sign, but it is very unusual that Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and Saturn are all changing sign this year.
Pluto of course is now in Aquarius after having just arrived in Aquarius where it will be for another 16 years. Neptune and Saturn will be entering Aries, Uranus is entering Gemini and Jupiter which is now in Gemini will be going into Cancer, so 2025 is going to be a year when the planetary energies are displaying totally different side of their character.
This indicates opportunities for a shake-up and it’s an ideal phase for us all to shift gear, adopt new attitudes, create opportunity in our relationships through better communication, goal setting and understanding the dynamics.
I am here to help you with the deeper understanding, so let’s have a look and see what January has got in store because it’s off to a feisty and rather intense start.
Here’s what the stars have in store for a Leo Man this January…
New Moon in Capricorn – 1st of January
This New Moon is a very motivating one for Leo Man, certainly when it comes to self-improvement, health, and his work. He’s getting into a good mindset for getting things done and being more organized. What does this mean for you as a couple?
Well, first of all, it means practical matters come first. It means that he sometimes wants to delay gratification. He very often has a burning desire to tick things off the list and feel that he’s in a good headspace by being very efficient and clearing the deck for action.
This is a good time for some brand-new work routines, and it can also be a phase where you focus together on diet. So, it’s a good time to discuss meal plans, better ways to manage your work-life balance, and some scheduling, ensuring you begin the year by making sure that you’re not getting overworked, overstressed, and kind of underappreciated by each other.
Appreciate each other, but understand that sometimes being a bit organized can help love run more smoothly. Appreciate is about getting the little things i.e. punctuality, returning calls, understanding his work priorities etc. right.
Venus Enters Pisces – 4th of January
Now, along with Mars retrograding in Leo and opposing Pluto, Venus entering Pisces represents a particularly significant and passionate time in relationships for a Leo man.
He’s more likely to look deeply at what the relationship offers him. He’s more likely to understand any power games or manipulation. He could potentially feel resentful if there is a perceived lack of intimacy, attention, or mutual trust in the relationship, and at the same time, he can be very demanding.
Relationships require a lot of focus and attention. Problems cannot be ignored. At the same time, when relationships are strong, there’s a deep sense of satisfaction and renewal that can be gained, and the relationship can be transformed in a positive new direction. However, this is a crisis point for relationships where there has been any insincerity or lack of true and deep sharing.
Mars Retrograde Enters Cancer – 7th of January
Mars was retrograde in Leo; it has now gone retrograde into Cancer, and this represents another time of great focus but also some anxiety for a Leo man. This once again emphasizes what I said about him needing to be organized and pay attention to details, but it also represents a great time of self-doubt and indecision. He feels less confident and is therefore easily hurt by any criticism, rebuffs, or anything you say that appears to discredit him.
It’s very important that you, as a partner, are cautious about how you use your words and what sort of communication you engage in. It’s important to be supportive, but sometimes he’s kind of hard to love him right now because he makes it difficult for you.
He can be a little bit edgy and dismissive, and you don’t always know when you’re getting it right. What he doesn’t like right now is to be questioned or put on the spot, and he will definitely avoid aggression as he cannot handle it.
Also, be aware that he can sometimes be a little bit passive-aggressive, so don’t get drawn into any of his drama. There are certain issues only he can deal with alone, so don’t try and solve all his problems with him or for him.
North Node Enters Pisces – 12th of January
Now, this again is a phase that requires a greater level of personal responsibility and understanding from both of you. This means that, in relationships, you need to step up to the plate.
It’s no time for excuses, and sometimes you both need to dig a little bit deeper because quick fixes don’t work, and solutions aren’t necessarily found overnight. Sometimes there needs to be some introspection to discover the root of problems, and often there are barriers of defensiveness to be broken down.
What does this mean? It means a year-long period of breaking down and rebuilding is beginning. Breaking down means getting rid of relationship myths and personal lies that we tell ourselves for consolation.
This is a time to face reality, not just indulge in the Kool-Aid. Take a reality check in relationships, understand where you both contribute to problems, and work hard at your own development while moving the relationship forward in strategic ways.
Mercury Enters Capricorn – 9th of January
Right now, he’s hitting the ground running. He is busy, and ideas are flowing. This is a great time for efficiency and planning. Encourage him to jump right in when it comes to work and to start gathering information. Sometimes it’s also important for him to know more about the people he works with, so any events aimed at team building can be quite important for him.
It’s important for him to be friendly but not overly trusting of everyone he works with. This can be a double-edged sword if you both work in the same office, as backbiting and gossip could create blowback even if you weren’t involved. Be cautious and avoid these situations to prevent misunderstandings.
Sun Enters Aquarius – 20th of January
The Sun entering Aquarius, at the same time conjunct Pluto, indicates a serious time of getting down to business in your relationship. Good relationships become much more solid and satisfying, and you may decide to commit. You might even take a radical step and get married on the spur of the moment.
However, relationships that are brittle and struggling could crack under the pressure. This is a make-or-break time. Relationships with a Leo man cannot be neglected or taken for granted; they require an incisive and dedicated approach to make sure they are the best they can be. Resolve to put your relationship under the magnifying glass, shine a spotlight on it, and reinvent yourselves and the relationship.
New Moon in Aquarius – 29th of January
The new moon in Aquarius, trine Jupiter in Gemini, brings a little bit of luck into the relationship sphere. All the hard work you’ve done should pay dividends, and there should be a dose of good karma. This is also a great time to remedy things in your relationship.
If you need to engage in marriage counseling or bring an advisor on board to help work through your issues, this can be very successful right now. The key thing for both you and your Leo partner is to remain open to advice and not be too isolated. Often, others’ perspectives can help break deadlock and bring fresh ideas into the relationship.
Themes for a Leo Man this January 2025…
This is an emotionally intense and passionate month. It’s definitely a time for breakthroughs, and you can shift gears and gain great momentum toward brand-new relationship goals. However, it is vital to understand your strengths, weaknesses, and the threats to the relationship. Go in with your eyes wide open.
This is not a time to hide from the truth. Take responsibility, deal with reality, and adopt a determined yet grounded approach to renewing your relationship with Leo Man or turning a fledgling relationship into something absolutely spellbinding.
Relationship Motto: “Together, we face the truth, embrace growth, and build a love that stands the test of time.”
Magic Text: “Life’s a marathon, but I believe in us. Let’s stay honest, support each other, and make every effort count. Our love is worth the work, and I’m here for you every step of the way.”
Now, the moon waxes from the 31st of December until the 13th of January, meaning this is the waxing phase of the moon, which is ideal for making decisions, coming up with plans, creating new strategies, beginning a new relationship, and initiating in general.
This is a great time of the year for brand new dietary and fitness goals, so New Year’s resolutions about kicking habits, slimming down, and starting at the gym are really important for Leo Man. This is also a good time for him to start a new job or a new role at work and may be a great time for him to employ staff or get new equipment or tools, if he is an employer.
This is not a favorable time for a house move, looking for property, or making major alterations to your home. This is also not a favorable time for a large family events…
January 2025 Horoscope for a Leo Man…
Week 1: Words unspoken
With Mars retrograde in Leo opposite Pluto, and Mercury square Neptune, this is quite a murky, complex, and intriguing time in a relationship with Leo Man. It is important not to get involved in drama and to retain perspective. What is vital right now is understanding that sometimes relationships experience crises and chaos—it’s part of being a couple.
It’s also important to maintain a sense of inner equilibrium because things in the relationship, and stresses outside the relationship, are creating a pressure cooker effect. It could all get a bit much, so know when to step away. What’s important right now is not going too far—words can hurt, and words can create long-lasting fissures in the relationship. Think before you speak.
Week 2: Ever ready
This is a very good week of progress and some excitement in terms of his work. Even if he was feeling jaded at the end of the last year, there’s a renewed impetus to be creative and establish better channels of communication with colleagues. There can be some novelty and excitement regarding the work sphere.
There’s a certain hint of the unknown, which is quite exciting. It’s not all systems go necessarily in the office environment; although he feels motivated, sometimes it’s not really certain what is going on with the bosses, company, or industry in general.
That creates a little bit of an air of anticipation, waiting to see what happens next. It’s important for him to be in an ever-ready mode but not to make plans that are too firm or fast. He should remain flexible.
In your relationship, moderation is key, no extreme solutions, it’s not necessary to jump the shark.
Week 3: Plugging on and plugging in
Venus conjunct Saturn is the main element of this particular week, and this is the time to really focus on relationship development. Be sincere and show that you are trustworthy. Right now, you cannot be flippant about emotional matters. At a deep level, he wants to be taken seriously, and he needs to know that you are a good listener who has his well-being at heart.
If you seem to be a person who is a little bit flippant or aloof, that can really harm relationships right now. However, this is a time when any effort you put in should yield dividends. See the relationship as a work in progress, like a business that requires a little bit of planning and hard work, but something that ultimately brings prosperity—in this case, sexually and spiritually.
Show that you care about the relationships future and don’t just pay lip service to love.
Week 4: A little luck
This week is a good one. What can happen is there’s just a little bit of luck to give you both the spirit of inspiration you need. You may feel that your efforts in improving your relationship are already bearing fruit, and that’s an encouragement to keep going.
With Mercury conjunct Pluto, this is an ideal time for troubleshooting. What you should do now is cast an eye on your finances and your hopes and dreams. Part of being in a relationship is sharing aspirations, having something to look forward to, and a sense that the relationship is a journey—not just to somewhere uninteresting but to somewhere ultimately reflective of your destiny as human beings.
Get your heads together. Use this time to draw up wise and far-reaching plans for how you want to live your lives, where the relationship fits in, and how you tackle, in a cunning (but not aggressive) way, the issues facing you as a couple. External hurdles must be faced with zeal and keen insight.
This is definitely a key month for relationships with Leo Man. Your relationship will either sink or swim—it’s all up to you. It’s not all hard work, but hard work is required. If you put in the effort and truly want to commit to the relationship, luck will be on your side and propel you to great heights of emotional and sexual awareness.
This is an excellent time to start as you mean to go on. Make this month the benchmark for how you want to live your lives and conduct your relationship. Ensure it’s done in a way that is sincere, truthful, and committed.
Get ready for a deeper connection with your Leo man throughout 2025…
Ever experienced that unmistakable gut feeling?
You know, that gentle nudge from your intuition, a subtle whisper of insights into your love life.
It’s your inner compass trying to communicate in a language only you can comprehend. And now, with the unveiling of Leo Man Secrets 2025, your intuition is about to get a megaphone.
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Curious about what makes Leo Man Secrets 2025 extraordinary?
Unlike traditional astrology, which dives into birth charts and generalities, this guide is your GPS for navigating specific questions:
“Is your Leo man ready for a deeper commitment in 2025?”
“Does he have plans that align with your shared future?”
“What does the cosmic forecast hold for your relationship?”
It’s like having a hotline to the Universe for decoding the mysteries of your Leo man’s heart, month by month.
Ready to bridge the gap between your intuition and the cosmic roadmap for your love life? Request your guide today, and unlock the profound insights that 2025 holds for you and your Leo man.
Don’t wait for the Universe to drop hints…
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Wishing you cosmic love and radiant connections with your Leo man…
Your sister and relationship astrologer,
Anna Kovach